Wednesday, October 19, 2005

all things comfortable:::

I miss all things comfortable. I had people that I would call to help me feel better about not having a significant hottie in my life...of course mostly girls, mostly only specific girls. The ones that made me feel good about myself. I actually found comfort in all the emails I used to get. I used to even like the fact that my phone used to ring off the hook. The emails are not often. The phone calls fewer. I like it...a lot.

But, I do miss what was comfortable, and I find myself looking for that still. But, the good news is that I am okay without it...actually better without. Sometimes God calls me into the quiet and lonely. And I hate it. But it is good to be alone with Him and to realize that He is what matters.

I had a conversation last night with someone, and if she is reading...hello friend. I want you to know that no matter how scary this next thing is...the one thing that matters is you. You and Him. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says, just what He wants you to walk through in positioning you for the next thing. This positioning will prepare, and might include breaking what you are comfortable with about yourself down, and rebuilding you and equipping you with everything you need in confidence in Him for the next thing. It will include discovery of rooms of His heart you could have never imagined, nor wanted. But you will be able to look back and see what He broke down and put in place, and what he puts in place is always better, because it is always more of Him. I have no idea if this makes any sense. But, it does to me and I needed to say it.

All things comfortable to me are being made new. Redefined. Repaired. Revisioned. This surrendering is difficult but so very good.

Have me...I am trying to climb upon the altar. Give me the strength and faith. I know it to be right.


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