The name of this movie made my stomach turn. From what I saw on the iTunes movie previews page...it is just disturbing. A poor at best representation of some words that I am associated with:
Christian. Evangelical in belief. Follower of Jesus.
The guy in the article that has been posted has been, for some reason, used by the media as the face of all things Evangelical and Christian. He was also included on the prime-time news show about Jesus last Fall, pre-Christmas.
The guy is a nice guy, but does not represent the fullness of my convictions.
However...we should all be teachable enough to listen, and yet confident enough to speak. So. There's that.
I am very glad you addressed this. It has been a burden on my heart for a while...it's BULL CRAP!!!...I remember watching that trailer when it first came out on quicktime.com. The images I see and expressions I hear physically make me nauseous. I HATE!!! that THAT is what people are going to see us (Christians) as, as if most people don't already. This movie is only going to fuel that false image. But then again, is it really false. I guess not seeing as how this is proof of it's existence. It's sad that something like this even for a second makes me question what a Christian really is (a second...no longer than that though :-). Children convulsing on the floor is not my idea of worship. It's simply a hyper kid with lots of energy CONFUSED!!! by what people in his life have told him "it's the Lord moving through you, embrace that feeling and let him SEND YOU IN TO A FREAKIN SEIZURE!!!" NO!!! IT'S A KID THAT HAS HAD TO MUCH SUGAR AND WHO'S HEAD HAS BEEN FILLED WITH BULL CRAP!!! It makes me sick that this is going to hit the big screen.
Strange isn't it?...how a movie with the name "Jesus" in the title can feel so evil to me. Is this all an over reaction?
Strange isn't it?...how a movie with the name "Jesus" in the title can feel so evil to me.
Well said sir. It's the very reason I decided to post on it.
Michael! It's Amanda Morrison! how are you?! glad to know you have one of these things, they are always fun to read the thoughts and lives of old friends! Be well! tty soon!
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