Thursday, September 22, 2005

The LORD has gone before me

It has been a day so far.

I woke up to a song that I seem to not be able to get away from and that ushered me into a bit of anxiety for most of the morning through lunch. I, for one of the first times since returning from China, ate Chinese food today...forgive me, Pan Asian. Hit up the Pei Wei! In my endeavor to eat better, I hit up the ol stand-by Crispy Honey Chicken and brown rice and chased it with an Orange-Green Tea. Love that stuff.

I was one of those guys who wanted to shut out the world around me today so I brought the iPod in for lunch and shut everyone out with my non-verbal. I was on shuffle listening to U2, David Gray, Black Eyed Peas, and then...Irving Bible Church. Yeah the last one was a message on loss and hurt by some dude other than Andy.

::: SHIFT :::

Last night I talked with Jonathan Coleman. God really used him in my life last night as all we did was catch up. But he shared about a verse he read this week. Isaiah 44. I needed that. It was like a bit on the fly but it was quality. And I needed to look forward more I realized. I have been trying to figure out so much that truly thinking beyond December has been a little bit of a challenge on me. I have been looking into the last 6 months and wondering what have I not learned out of my "circumstance", did I miss something?, how did things get here?, what did I do to be transitioning so much in so many areas at one time. It's a silly question because in my heart I know my "circumstances" are under divine order and control. So, I KNOW, why and what and who and how, but I still in my heart wonder.

::: SHIFT :::

Ruth and Boaz were amazing people. Last night I had to rewrite their story in a contemporary setting. Go read about them, it's only 4 chapters. So all of this comes together in a verse that a friend of mine gave me this summer. And as her family is stuck in Houston without being able to evacuate, I shared it back to her. In the discouraging times..."The LORD has gone before you..."

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